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Let's face it, 2020 hasn't been what so many of us expected it to be and in a lot of ways, it feels like the year is yet to begin. We’ve watched the global pandemic of the Coronavirus send shockwaves of devastation throughout the world as well coping with what Covid has brought into our lives. We've witnessed the heartbreak of people losing loved ones, the economic impact of businesses struggling to stay afloat and if that wasn’t enough, also the biggest civil rights movement in history.
During lockdown, we’ve unequivocally had more time than usual to reflect and think about what the world might look like when we finally return to 'normal'. The resurge of Covid forcing lockdown restrictions again this week here in Australia, meant more time wondering about the future, about the fragilities of life and how this pandemic will likely change the way of the world when the storm, aka ‘virus’ passes.
The cultural changes, the environmental impact, the basic human interactions we share every day, it’s hard to predict what the ‘new normal’ life will look like, but one thing is certain, the world has definitely changed.
In the midst of so much uncertainty, I've found solitude in focusing on the silver linings, the lessons and the huge amount of insight that can be taken from this experience. If we stop and take the time to acknowledge even the smallest of blessings, I think we will come out the other side of this far stronger, wiser and far more resilient than we’ve ever been.
I know I’m not only speaking for myself here and I think it’s safe to say, we all have a new-found respect and kindness towards our health and wellbeing and just how incredibly important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Realising that no one is invincible, we are all fragile, our immune systems are fragile and so many things can happen in the blink of an eye.
We must take better care of our health and wellness, particularly mental, emotional and physical and extend that support and encouragement onto our families as well. To invest more time into self-love, eating better, staying active, mental care and building a stronger and healthier immune system is so important right now and something I’ve personally focused on in these recent months.
This pandemic has also highlighted the huge responsibility we all have in playing our part in personal hygiene not only for our own protection, but also the people in our communities and in our countries.
Global lockdown restrictions have resulted in an unquestionable reduction in our carbon footprint. We are now seeing fish in the canals in Venice. Through Satellites above our planet, we are seeing a significant drop in air pollution. Our planet is finally being given the opportunity and space to naturally heal itself.
This proves that climate change is possible and we can make a difference in the future with mindful lifestyle adjustments. We need to remember that not only are we fragile, but so is our planet.
And best of all, we are united. During this pandemic we’ve seen a nation of people all striving together to care and protect one another. A nation of people capable of putting all differences aside to work together in finding a vaccination and cure and helping the sick and vulnerable. Paying attention and supporting the vulnerable and less equipped and being selfless in our actions. Not only for the eradication of Covid, but also for this active civil rights movement we are living through now. At a time of extreme vulnerability and uncertainty, we found strength to use our voices in support of equality and our voices are being heard.
This global solidarity makes me believe that that world peace truly is possible.
Brighten someones day with the perfect lockdown gift
I've found myself in awe of the way that so many amazing people have carried on with such hope and positivity, despite what's happening around them and to them.
Watching how people and businesses have embraced and adjusted to survive this new normal, pursue new careers or find creative ways to adjust a new business model to suit the current environment, proves just how dynamic and resilient we as humans can be.
I’ve witnessed friends in the creative industry, despite overnight loss of income, push forward to develop new skills, utilise different media platforms and work harder than ever, finding new ways to continue creating, inspiring and entertaining us all which has been magical.
New businesses have been birthed out of inefficient ones and new career paths and education for self-development in many cases have been a blessing in disguise.
We are now utilising our resources more efficiently and mindfully, realising that we can actually do a lot from home which indirectly improves work life balance, something we all strive for.
And who could forget all the fur babies, who no doubt are loving and lapping up all the extra attention and company they now get throughout the day.
And whilst this isn’t necessarily the case for everyone and all industries, we are all rethinking the way we have been running our lives and our businesses. We have been afforded more time to rethink career goals, improve our personal health, embrace new hobbies, enjoy more family time and the ability to make some exciting changes that perhaps never would have happened should change not have been forced upon us.
This global pandemic has affected everyone's lives to varying degrees and has surely changed the majority of us. With so much time to reflect and think about the uncertainties of our future, in this moment today, I count my blessings and for all the things that I have and am truly grateful for.
By realising we really don’t need much to survive and appreciating the simplest of things we so often take for granted on the daily. I’m personally guilty of this and for all the time I’ve wasted over the years focusing on irrelevant things and missing the magic in the moments happening right in front of me. This time has definitely severed me a gentle reminder to appreciate what’s truly important, and those things can really be counting on one hand.
If nothing else, the slowing down of time, I have welcomed. Life always feels busy and at times stressful and as someone who always seems to have a hundred things to do at any given moment, I’ve personally welcomed this adjustment. The perception of having more time to do those ‘odd jobs’ around the house, or taking time to self-indulge in ‘me time’, whatever that might look like for you, has been refreshing.
Realising the importance of human interaction, a hug, a kiss, a conversation over a cuppa. No matter how old I am, I still get ‘homesick’ if I don’t see and hug my mum. I miss our girly days together and conversations over a pot of tea. Despite quarantine now restricting these catch ups, I find comfort in knowing she is safe and healthy and there will never be anything more important to me than that. And that can be said for all my family and friends.
It's been a year that none of us anticipated and a year that has given so many of us the chance to have learned more about ourselves and do more for ourselves, than we may have never done otherwise. A year of lessons and perspective to take with us into the future, giving us more chances to be present in the moment. I'll never take the small things for granted again. So while I sit here still thinking about the future, I continue to count my blessings and hope the second half of 2020 brings more positivity, health and stability for everyone.
Love Bella x
Watching so many businesses close during the Covid pandemic, makes me feel even more grateful for my online business that continues to operate, for social media and technology which allows me to stay connected to my family, friends and customers, and for the time to create silly videos while restrained to the perimeters of our homes.
This was a fun and lighthearted little video made during ISO lockdown here in Australia to pass the time and provide some comical relief to those who may be struggling at this time. We play on the notion of 'no words needed' as a consequence of ISO face masks and social distancing regulations restricting our ability to vocally express how we feel to those we love.
We truely believe you can say it all with a new pair of leopard print shoes!
I hope this brightens your day, wherever you are in the world.
In this moment I am grateful for some of life's smaller blessings, leopard print shoes!
Brighten someones day with the perfect lockdown gift
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