I'm most certain I won't be alone in admitting that I was a tad obsessed with the whole TWILIGHT saga and I definitely rode that 'fan girl train' hard for quite a few years. And when I say hard, I mean full on dedication lol.
I bought the books, collected posters (cringe), cancelled important events to attend the movie pre-screenings and, if you ever witnessed a handmade 'Team Edward' shirt knocking about, I confess, that was probably me... (if you know, you know) lol

I always thought the 'Prowler' was such a great name for our loafer, as they embody a zest for adventure and all traits inherit to the leopard, stealth, prowling, speed, agility, wild and fierce!
When it came to bringing the Prowlers to life through a feature campaign, I couldn't deny, a leopard's traits were uncannily similar to those of a Vampire so naturally I wanted to blend the two in a visually creative way. Perhaps it was me looking for an excuse to create my own 'Twilight' reality moment, I'm not quiet sure, but the concept evolved from there and this quickly became the premise of the video.
For all those nerdy twilight fans out there like me, head over and watch the campaign, full screen via our Youtube channel and comment below that video, how many times you see the LEOPARD appear during the chase for an exclusive discount code to be used across the Bella Leopardo collection.
(to redeem your exclusive 15% off discount code, send a screen shot of your answer to info@bellaleopardo.com)
Bella Leopardo strongly advocates for the health and safety of leopards in conservation and the wild. Our ethos stands to create greater awareness and attention to the conservation and preservation of these beautiful big cats, providing support to those organisations working to keep them safe.
NO leopards were harmed during the making of this film.
Just in case you might have been worried...
Love Bella x

Now available in Almond pony leather, shop the PROWLER here!