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Introducing the ROYAL

Bella Leopardo

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

ICON leather leopard print classic point toe high heel stiletto pump


(rgəl) / adjective

Regal is an adjective that describes things that appear to be royal, relating to or suitable for a king or a queen or emperor. Someone of superior statue worthy of royalty. Thus, a woman who has regal appearance is one who looks very impressive or beautiful.

1. relating to, or befitting a king or queenroyal

2. of a monarch; royal characteristic of, like, or fit for a monarch; splendidstatelymagnificent

3. someone of superior statue, having the rank of a sovereign

4. unusually good or impressive; first-rate, majestic, greatfine, etc.

She’s ‘REGAL’

The regal woman is someone who exemplifies opulence, beauty and supremacy.

She is majestic in both beauty and scale. She does not need possessions or attention, she simply exists in a state of fabulousity. She is not afraid of using the good china on the daily or wearing her best clothes and beloved heels around the house, even when she has nowhere to go.

Leopardo Regals are fierce, they live with honour and nobility, and wear their spots closest to their skin as a constant emblem of power, strength and pride for women everywhere.

Glamour is her superpower, ambition her strength, the Royal is an unforgettable showstopper worthy of a queen.

Introducing the ROYAL

For the Rich and Famous castle dwellers, the Royal. 

We all have the Regal woman somewhere inside. Unleash her by getting to know her, trusting her feline instincts and loving her individuality - one fierce step at a time.

Designed by women for women, Bella Leopard understands that every woman is multifaceted with an inner feline and that confidence can be empowered by simply putting on a pair of shoes!

Love Bella x

Now available in Almond pony leather, crowned with a gold toe cap, shop the ROYAL here!

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